i have learned that people say Japanese language is definitely Did say that Japanese is a lot Different. some said it is not that different from American Language, but some don't even know whats the difference.
Survey 1. would you find Japanese a hard language to learn? Yes. No.
2. how is Japanese language different from American language?
3. How would you rate Japanese language based on how much you want to learn it.? With 1 being least interest, 10 being high interest. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. why did you rate it the way you did in question 3?
I learned that mangekyo means "all seeing eye". but now i hope to learn just about everything about janpanese language. because i have alot of people that wants to learn japanese and they said let me learn it first since im in karate, we talk alot of japanese. like when we are doing our exercise we count in Japanese all the way up 10, and saying our katas in Japanese too.
i think that this language is great for us Americans to get to understand the others foreign people. like if we have Immigrants come down to America and can't speak English, we should be able to at least get to talk to them in their own language.